Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter returns for his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after surviving a dreadful summer with his muggle/human relatives the Dursleys. Harry, along with his friends Ron and Hermione, confronts another mystery involving an evil force emanating from a chamber of secrets below the school. Clues include a flying car, a book written in invisible ink that takes Harry into the past, and a ghost in a bathroom. To solve the mystery and save the school from closure and Hagrid from jail, Harry must confront his long feared nemesis Voldemort.
Nathan says 5 stars...
My countdown until the movie continues with a look at the second book in the awe-inspiring Harry Potter series. By now, Rowling has given us (and Harry) an introduction to the world of wizardry. We have a basic understanding, and now, well, Rowling has decided to push us further into Hogwarts and its history. When I first read this book, I'm going to be totally honest, this book terrified me. I was so scared of the creepy voice-I mean, deeply, deeply frightened. The characters were still engaging and wonderful. Harry and crew were still out there solving magical mysteries, while remaining their lovely selves. The plot is fresh and fast, and has twists that are very satisfying. In Chamber of Secrets there is a distinct darkening of tone when compared to the first book, which is continued throughout the entire series. In the end, it's another fantastic addition to the world of Harry Potter.


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